Connexions Editing Aide-Mémoire

You need to make text bold

<emphasis effect="bold"> These words will be in bold</emphasis>

You need to make something italics

<emphasis effect="italics">These words will be in italics</emphasis>

You need a superscript. <sup> These words, numbers or letters will be superscripts</sup>.

For example, "H + " with be "H<sup>+</sup>".

You need a subscript. <sub>These words, numbers or letters will be subscript</sub>.

For example, "H 2 O" with be "H<sub>2</sub>O".

You need to link a Table or Figure into the text. For example, "as shown in Figure 1 the structure is...". Each Figure or Table has a unique id number or word, e.g., you will see text of the sort <figure id="id554545">. The Figures id number is thus "id554545".

Insert a link in which the Figure or Table id is positioned. For example, "as shown in Figure 1 the structure is..." becomes "as shown in <link target-id="id554545"/> the structure is...".

You need to link an equation into the text. For example, "as shown in Equation 1 the reaction is...". Each Figure or Table has a unique id number or word, e.g., you will see text of the sort <equation id="eip-39"> . The Figures id number is thus "eip-39".

Insert a link in which the Figure or Table id is positioned. For example, "as shown in Equation 1 the reaction is..." becomes "as shown in <equation id="eip-39"> the reaction is...".

You need to insert a new Figure from a jpg Give the equation a unique identifier, for example "Figure1". Upload a new image and remember its name, for example "Figure1.jpg".

Then insert the following formatted text, <equation id="Figure1"><media id=" Figure1_media" alt=""><image mime-type="image/jpg" src="Figure1.jpg" id=" Figure1__onlineimage" width="500" print-width="4.5in" /></media></equation> .

You need to insert an equation that is a jpg image where the caption (or legend) for the figure will read "This is a Figure.".   Give the equation a unique identifier, for example "eip-38". Upload a new image and remember its name, for example "Eq38.jpg".

Then insert the following formatted text, < figure id="eip-38"><media id="id38_media" alt=""><image mime-type="image/jpg" src="Eq38.jpg" id="id38__onlineimage" width="500" print-width="4.5in" /></media> <caption>This is a Figure.</caption> </ figure > .